Opportunities and challenges for natural language technology in social sciences and humanities
Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street
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In this talk, Dr Paul Nulty will discuss interdisciplinary opportunities and methodological challenges that arise in applications of natural language processing (NLP) in digital humanities, computational humanities, and computational social science.
Paul Nulty is a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at Birkbeck, and a member of the Birkbeck Knowledge Lab. He has a degree in Computer Science and Linguistics from University College Dublin, and a PhD, also from UCD, on the topic 'Lexical Expressions of Semantic Relations between Nouns'. He did postdoctoral research at the LSE and the University of Cambridge, and was a Marie Curie/Enterprise Ireland research fellow at CeADAR, UCD. His research focus is on applying natural language processing and data visualisation methods to questions in the social sciences and humanities.
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