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Write Now! Introduction

Venue: Online

Book your place

This session introduces the Write Now! programme and the available support. It will include information on how to survive re-sitting a module or year and will also provide an outline of our Wellbeing Services and the support available for students who may be struggling with personal or emotional difficulties or who have a long term physical or mental health condition, autism, specific learning difference such as dyslexia or disability or other disability which may previously or in the future, affect their studies.

Includes introductions from:

  • Student Success Team – Rachel Wood
  • Wellbeing Services - Mark Pimm 

The next workshop in this series is Write Now! Library as Inspiration - 23rd October 17.00-17.50 (Click here to view & book your place)

These sessions are open to foundation and UG students; however, if you are repeating the year or are returning from a break in studies, you will find them particularly beneficial.

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