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Write Now! Understanding Assessment Requirements and Offences

Venue: Online

Book your place

This interactive workshop will provide advice and guidance for preparing and developing good assessments.

The workshop will cover:

  • how to analyse the assessment brief 
  • how to plan and structure the assessment 
  • how to make good use of sources 
  • how to avoid assessment offences and poor academic practice
  • how to refine and redraft your submission. 

Please bring with you the assessment brief/guidelines of an assessment you are working on or wish to focus on.


The next workshop in this series is Write Now! Weekly Writing Sessions - 27th November 17.00-17.50 (Click here to view & book your place)

These sessions are open to foundation and UG students; however, if you are repeating the year or are returning from a break in studies, you will find them particularly beneficial.

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