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Business & Professional Communication lecture series - New Research Trends and Networking Opportunities

Venue: Birkbeck 30 Russell Square

No booking required

Join us for a student-practitioner networking event to get insights into the latest research developments in the intercultural competence field, and to get to know areas of work in Intercultural Communication.

Practitioners will get the chance to speak to students, who attend various programs that address intercultural competence, about the latest concepts, theories and developments in the intercultural competence field. They will also have the opportunity to become part of the development of new understandings by participating in student projects.

For students, this event provides a unique platform to meet practitioners and to discuss how they can prepare themselves well for ICC professions through study choices and dissertation topics, to develop connections to get access to data (e.g., interviews, observation, etc.) and to hear about potential internship opportunities.

The session will be very practical, with the first half dedicated to an exchange between students and practitioners to update on theories and concepts within the intercultural field, taught at the students' institutions. This will be followed by a brain storming session, where practitioners can formulate questions relevant to their personal or general intercultural training practices. We will then discuss how students could address these questions as part of their projects/dissertations/PhDs.

Please book a place for this event on the Evenbrite page.

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