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'What do we have the right to know?' Judicial conversation with Niilo Jaaskinen

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required


It is sometimes overlooked that the EU Charter and ECHR establish not only freedom of expression but also a fundamental right to receive information. This aspect of the two instruments has become increasingly important particularly in the context of the Internet. The EUCJ has discussed the right to receive information in, for example the cases of Google and Google Spain (the right to be forgotten), Sky Österreich (right of access of broadcasters to events of public interest) and TeleKabel Wien (copyright and internet access to films).  Not only did these judgments respectively traverse the complex territory of the fundamental rights to privacy, data protection and property, they also illustrated the challenge faced by the European Court in applying the traditional precepts of fundamental rights law, with origins stemming back to the Magna Carta and beyond, to the rise of modern technology and the ‘rights’ issues it has generated.

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