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Rethinking Racial Capitalism lecture by Professor Gargi Bhattacharyya

Venue: Birkbeck Clore Management Centre

No booking required

There has been a resurgence of interest in debates about racial capitalism. This concept appears to open the possibility of remapping our connections to each other and comprehending the logics that keep us apart. As we witness ever greater numbers becoming vulnerable to unlivable lives, mass incarceration, changing state violences at the border and in the interior and the threat of disposability, we need to revisit ways of thinking that allow us to see each other.

Gargi Bhattacharyya is a Professor of Sociology at UEL, Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging. Her research interests are in the areas of 'race' and racisms; sexualities; global cultures; the 'War on Terror’; austerity and racial capitalism. Her books include 'Rethinking racial capitalism’, 'Crisis, austerity and everyday life: living in a time of diminishing expectations’; Dangerous Brown Men: Exploiting Sex, Violence and Feminism in the Long War’, 'Traffick: the illicit movement of people and things’, 'Sexuality and Society, an introduction’; 'Tales of Dark-Skinned Women’; the edited volume 'Ethnicities and Values in a Changing World’; 'Go Home' The Politics of Immigration Controversies’ with Hannah Jones, Yasmin Gunaratnam, William Davies, Sukhwant Dhalwal, Kirsten Forkert, Emma Jackson and Roiyah Saltus and 'Race and Power, globalised racisms in the twenty-first century’ with John Gabriel and Stephen Small.


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