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PhD student Louise Rolland has written a blog on our latest 50th Anniversary Talk.
The first UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO) “markathon” organised at Birkbeck successfully took place on 9th and 11th February 2015.
Applied Linguistics and Communication in its joint submission with the Department of Cultures and Languages achieved 100% at the highest ratings for research environment and is deemed as a place most ‘conducive to producing research of world-leading and internationally excellent quality, in terms of its vitality and sustainability
PhD student Alexandra Shaitan blogs about her experience of our third 50th anniversary lecture.
Dr Charlotte Kemp is an expert in multilingualism, having discovered in her PhD, which she did at the University of Edinburgh (2001), that polyglots possess superior metalinguistic awareness.
Applied Linguistics and Communication Celebrates its research success.
PhD Student Takako Inada presented at the Interdisciplinary Linguistics Conference at Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern Island on 1st November 2014.
The Departments book is reviewed by Christopher Jenks, University of South Dakota
PhD student Agnès Marchessou blogs about her experience of our second 50th anniversary lecture.