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The visa allows students who successfully complete a bachelor’s or master’s degree to stay in the UK and work for two years, and those completing a PhD to remain and work for three years.
In late April, ten Graduation ceremonies took place over four days, and graduates celebrated in style with their peers, friends, family and Birkbeck staff.
The annual field trip for History of Art students took place in Paris this year.
Graduation will take place from 22 to 25 April, with ceremonies also being live-streamed.
From 7-10 May, the public will have the opportunity to witness and experience the latest innovations emerging from the intersection of art, research, and culture.
Last week the Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology and the United States’ President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology made a joint statement which draws on the research.
The scroll features a quote written in 1924 by former Prime Minister and Birkbeck alumnus, Ramsay MacDonald, which celebrates Birkbeck’s enduring mission and ethos of widening participation in higher education.
The new festival, open to the public, is taking place from 18 to 22 March, with interactive and participatory online and in-person events that will inform and inspire.
The study examined over 7 million articles and the alarming results show long-term access for a significant proportion of the scholarly record is seriously jeopardized if a publisher ceases to exist.
John le Carré’s novel, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, will be adapted for the stage by David Eldridge.