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A Christmas Message

A Christmas message from the Head of Department of Management

On behalf of everyone in the Department of Management, I would like to wish you a delightful Christmas and a great 2014.

Merry Christmas

Thank you for contributing to the Department’s successes during 2013, a few highlights of which are outlined below:

  • Over 400 students graduated, up nearly a quarter from the previous year;
  • Over 1000 new students enrolled;
  • Prestigious accreditations for our programmes, notably from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and the CFA Society of the UK;
  • Five new programmes introduced, including Master’s in Investment Management and Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability;
  • Introduced experience-enhancing international visit programme for our students
  • Produced impactful research insights, disseminated via world class outlets, conferences, and scholarly meetings;
  • Engaged influential decision makers and alumni through regular policy and practice-focused seminars by our research centres – Centre for Corporate Governance and Ethics, Birkbeck Sport Business Centre and Centre for Innovation Management Research;
  • Hosted International Airline Group’s Willie Walsh as first laureate to the Lord Marshall Memorial Lecture;
  • Selected to host prestigious international conferences, including McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference and Academy of International Business UK and Ireland Conference in 2015 and 2016 respectively.

Thanks once again for your support and looking forward to our continuing collaboration during 2014.  

Best wishes.

Professor Kevin Ibeh
Assistant Dean /Head of Department of Management

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