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After the Election: Where now for Parliament and the Public Services?

Event to mark the appointment of Dr. Tony Wright to the Department and the launch of the British Politics Research Group.

Date: Saturday 30th October, 2010, 2-5.30p.m. (wine reception to follow)

Venue: Lecture Theatre (B01), Clore Management Centre Torrington Square.

The Department of Politics is celebrating the launch of the British Politics Research Group and the appointment of Dr. Tony Wright

as Professorial Fellow in the Department by holding a half-day conference on the future of Parliament and the public services.

Panel 1: The Future of Parliament (2-3.30p.m.)

After the expenses scandal, how can Parliament revive its reputation? Is the Coalition ushering in a new era of importance for parliamentary politics? If so, should this be welcomed?

Chair: Tony Wright  (Birkbeck College)

Philip Cowley (Nottingham University)

Sarah Childs (Bristol University)

Ben Wright (BBC Westminster Correspondent)

Panel 2: The Future of Public Services (4-5.30p.m.)

Is the Big Society any more than a cover story for the big public service privatisation? What are the opportunities for citizens to mobilise to improve public services, and what are the obstacles? Can the public run better public services?

Chair: Tony Wright  (Birkbeck College)

Jose Harris (St. Catherine’s Oxford)

Julian Le Grand (LSE)

Deborah Mabbett (Birkbeck College)

John Van Reenen (Centre for Economic Performance LSE)

Please email  to reserve a place

This event will be the first of many over the coming months and years marking the establishment of Birkbeck as a major centre for the study of British politics and public life.

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