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Andrea Ballatore speaking at The University of Nottingham

Giving a research seminar at the GeoSpatial Institute on Wednesday May 11th

Andrea Ballatore will be giving a research seminar at The University of Nottingham's GeoSpatial Institute on Wednesday 11th May. The seminar is entitled 'Exploring place with Big Data: The role of similarity, affect, and cognition' - you can read more about the seminar below.

"The deluge of big spatial data can provide new lenses through which look at place and its many facets. This seminar will give a taster of three research directions at the nexus of volunteered geographic information (VGI) and geographic information retrieval. (i) Places are characterised by the co-occurrence of entities and events in recurring spatio-temporal patterns. Similarity search in this large multi-dimensional space can support exploration of geographic data, and the assessment of causality relations. (ii) Big data produced about places have a strong affective dimension. Detecting emotions in crowdsourced text corpora, such as travel blogs, can illuminate regularities, biases, and anomalies in how places are experienced by individuals. (iii) Every person has a unique cognitive map of their spatial experiences. What if we tried to extract and explore this knowledge systematically?"


Andrea Ballatore is a lecturer in GIScience at the Department of Geography at Birkbeck College. His research focuses on volunteered geographic information, big data analytics, geographic information retrieval, as well as media studies and the digital humanities. From 2014 to 2015 he was postdoctoral researcher and the research coordinator at the Center for Spatial Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara (, to which is currently a research affiliate. In 2013, Andrea received a PhD in Geographic Information Science from University College Dublin. He has worked as a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, and as a software engineer in Italy and Ireland.

TODO: integrate themes

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