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Lynne Segal - 'Beyond the Fragments and the Left Today'

Lynne Segal will speak on 'Beyond the Fragments and the Left Today', Sunday November 11, 12.00-13.45, on a panel at Historical Materialism Conference.

Lynne Segal will speak on 'Beyond the Fragments and the Left Today', Sunday November 11, 12.00-13.45, on a panel at Historical Materialism Conference, WEIGHS LIKE A NIGHTMARE, 8-11th November 2011 at SOAS, London, WC1


The Crisis of the Eurozone and the European Socialist Parties

(Socialist Regster/Red Pepper)

Chair: Michael Calderbank

Lynne Segal, 'Beyond the Fragments and the Left Today'

Charles Post - 'What is Left of Leninsm? New European Left Parties in Historical Perspective'

Michalis Spourdalakis - 'Left Strategy in the Greek Cauldron: Explaining Syriza's Success'

Hilary Wainwright, 'Transformative Power: Political Organization in Transition'

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