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Birkbeck’s Enterprise programme recognised for supporting students in self-employment

The Enterprise programme, part of Birkbeck’s careers and employability service, was the runner-up in the University Partner of the Year category at the fifth annual IPSE Awards.

Birkbeck's Jenna Davies receiving the runner-up award for University Partner of the Year at the annual IPSE Awards
Jenna Davies collecting the award

Birkbeck’s Enterprise Programme, which helps students interested in starting their own businesses to develop entrepreneurial skills, has been recognised for its commitment to supporting students exploring self-employment at the fifth annual IPSE Awards, hosted by the Association for Independent Professionals and the Self Employed.

The awards seek to recognise the UK’s best independent professionals representing the diversity of freelance careers. Birkbeck impressed the judges with their dynamic approach to encouraging freelancing and self-employment and supporting students through various initiatives to explore this as a career option.

The judges created a runner-up award in the University Partner of the Year category to recognise the work of Birkbeck’s enterprise team and were impressed by the impact made from dedicated individuals championing this area. They highlighted the success of this year’s Pioneer programme, in partnership with Santander Universities, which has taken hundreds of students on a journey in developing their business ideas and enhancing their entrepreneurial skills.

Jenna Davies, who manages Birkbeck’s enterprise activity, said: “Being recognised by IPSE through this award is a huge achievement and we’re thrilled that the enterprise support we provide our students has gained this acknowledgement. We have a very diverse study body who are at different stages of their career, and we’ve worked hard this year to deliver a range of projects that meet the needs of our entrepreneurial students.”

Birkbeck has been a partner university of IPSE for three years and continue to collaborate to run a series of practical and inspiring events throughout the academic year. 

Zsofia Szendrei, Event Coordinator at IPSE said: “It has been truly wonderful to get to know Birkbeck and their work and we are all completely blown away by just how much they have achieved. We cannot wait to follow their work as they keep inspiring other professionals and growing.”

The Pioneer programme will be wrapping up this week with an awards evening, where six student finalists will pitch their business ideas to a judging panel for the chance to win funding and mentoring.

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