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Boy brain, girl brain? TRIGGER / BabyLab lunch-time seminar on 7 December

TRIGGER is pleased to have Teodora Gliga, Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck, talking about:

Boy brain, girl brain? What have we learned about sex differences from studying typical and atypical brain development?

The seminar will take place on 7th December 12.30pm to 1.30pm in 30 Russell Square, room 101.

Many psychiatric disorders are more common either in boys (e.g. autism) or in girls (e.g. anxiety). Animal models of development and human studies have revealed early biological differences between sexes, present even before birth, which might explain differences in susceptibility to risk factors. Surprisingly, studies of typical infant cognition (like those carried out at the Babylab), rarely yield differences in performance between boys and girls. The study of atypical development may be a more fruitful avenue of research.

Please join us to this free seminar (Bring you own lunch), but booking is essential via Eventbrite:

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