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Call for papers

Regional Studies Association Research Network
Seminar Series: Policy Implications for Knowledge Intensive Business
Services (KIBS) and Innovation in Regions in a Globalised Economy Call for Papers

KIBS play important roles in systems of innovation, internationally, nationally and regionally in both urban and rural environments. The overall approach of the network is to contribute to new understanding of theoretical explanations for KIBS activity, provide a review of methodological approaches and new evidence and inform policy making.

The theme of the second workshop is the "Geographies of the scope and impact of KIBS on innovation through flows of knowledge".

Contributions should be on one or both of:

  1. How can KIBS promote extra-regional and international knowledge flows
  2. Policy implications for KIBS in a globalised economy

The lead paper will be presented by Dr Jonathan Potter of the OECD on work currently being undertaken by the OECD.

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