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Carol Watts: New book of poetry

Carol Watts, Reader in Literature and Poetics is launching her new book of poetry Occasionals on 11 May in the Crossing the Line series.

Written over 12 months, from 23 September 2006 to 14 September 2007, Carol Watts’ sequence of poems explores the freight of a year with an ear to its future. Fragments and “cuts” of time and memory, light, sound, weather, the voices of children. John Clare wandering among rinds of a shoe-making village and city parakeets. Small series, detonating. The working through of an occasional tense, its cost, its serious music, its gift.

On Wednesday May 11, there will be a Reality Street double launch, with James Davies launching Plants along with Carol Watts. This will take place as Xing the Line, The Apple Tree, 45 Mount Pleasant, London WC1X 0AE. Starts 7.30pm, £5 (£3 concs).

Find out more

  • Reality Street
  • Carol Watt's Birkbeck profile

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