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Digital Humanities Award

The School of Arts offers a research studentship for a PhD candidate in digital humanities to take the form of a fee waiver and stipend across the School

The School of Arts offers a research studentship for a PhD candidate in digital humanities to take the form of a fee waiver and stipend across the School, for an outstanding candidate. The position will be jointly supervised between the School of Arts (primary) and the Department of Computer Science.

The studentship is open to exceptional candidates with an interest in digital humanities and the application and development of computational techniques to advance humanistic inquiry, particularly with respect to English literature.

Applications are welcomed that range from practical computer-science-based projects with humanistic elements through to humanistic/cultural-studies approaches to computation. Candidates are expected to have appropriate expertise for their proposed project, which may include knowledge of programming languages.

Further details of the studentship, eligibility, funding and application process can be found on the School's research pages.

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