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Dr Bruna Seu gives Royal Society talk: 'Why help?' Royal Society

Dr Bruna Seu's talk 'Why help?' Royal Society

Dr Bruna Seu will give a talk at the Royal Society, at the 'Dispatches from disaster zones' event organized by the British Red Cross. The talk is entitled 'Why help; Psychosocial factors in audiences’ responses to humanitarian appeals'.  16th December 2009.

Other recent talks by Dr Seu include:

  • Seu, I.B. (2009) Doing denial; justifications for unresponsiveness to Human Rights appeals.  Psychology Department seminar, The Open University, 10th November 2009
  • Seu, I.B. (2009) A discursive analysis of resistance to empathy in Human Rights appeals. First meeting of the International Empathy Network. The Open University, 1st October 2009
  • Seu, I.B. (2009) On Bystanders. Panel on Victims, perpetrators, bystanders. “Responsibility to the Story” conference, Centre for Applied Human Rights, The University of York, 9-11 September 2009

Issued: 16th Dec 2009

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