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Dr Stephen Wertheim Publishes Essay in the Washington Post

Wertheim argues that whether President Trump is “normal” is beside the point. His opponents should offer a better country, not a normal one

"'My campaign is not going to let Donald Trump try to normalize himself,' Hillary Clinton said two years ago. Clinton lost the election, but the campaign not to normalize Trump continues. 'This is not normal,' say critics from fired FBI director James B. Comey to the feminist website Jezebel, which ran an article that repeated the phrase 437 times. Nothing unites the anti-Trump “resistance” like the desire to protect the standards of American life from the president’s inexhaustible taint. It’s an understandable, even empowering impulse in unstable times. The resistance recognizes that we the people must set the terms of engagement, rather than sit back and rely on the usual umpires, who are being dragged off the field."

Read the full article.

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