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ESRC Seminar Series on Cancer And Employment - Seminar 4

The fourth seminar of the ESRC funded Seminar Series will be held at University of Aberdeen on June 15th, 2016.

The fourth seminar of the ESRC funded Seminar Series will be held at University of Aberdeen on June 15th, 2016.

Organised by the METIS Collaboration, of which the Centre is part of, the seminar series is designed to identify and discuss current issues relating to the employment of those with cancer and promote the translation of our research knowledge into policy and practice. The series focuses on the psychological, social, organizational and economic issues.

This seminar is the fourth of six ESRC-funded discussion seminars and is focused on the perspectives of the health and care professionals.

The perspectives covered within this seminar are from: 

  • Primary Care
  • Secondary Care (Urology)
  • Allied Health Professionals


Conference Room 7, IMS
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen AB25 2ZD



The seminar is open to all those involved with the issue of cancer and employment or who are developing an interest in this area. Seminars in the present series have attracted a multidisciplinary and multi-professional participation involving academics, advisers, researchers, practitioners and policy makers. Among others, participants have been health and care professionals, social scientists, employers, from Human Resources, the trades unions and occupational health services, the legal and insurance industries, and a variety of professional and third sector organisations.

Spaces are limited for this event. If you would like to attend please register online via this link

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