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ESRC Seminar Series on Cancer And Employment - Social Science Perspectives: Discussion Seminars

We are pleased to announce the dates for the first two Discussion Seminars in our ESRC funded Seminar Series on Cancer and Employment.

8-2754esrc-logoWe are pleased to announce the dates for the first two Discussion Seminars in our ESRC funded Seminar Series on Cancer and Employment.


The first seminar will be held in the University of Aberdeen on 21st April and will focus on the Perspectives of the Person with Cancer & Their Family. Contact: Dr Sara MacLennan (Academic Urology Unit, University of Aberdeen:

The second seminar will be held in the University of Newcastle on 9th July and will concern the Labour Market & Economic Context to Employment of those with cancer. Contact: Dr Heather Brown (Institute of Health & Society, University of Newcastle:heather.brown@

Both seminars will start mid morning and will close mid afternoon. Each of the discussion topics (seminars) will be introduced with commentary by two speakers well versed in the area.

All will be welcomed but registration is essential as light lunches will be provided: please contact the appropriate person. There will be a maximum of 30 participants for each seminar.

The first objective of a Discussion Seminar is to identify and better understand the issues that arise for and from the employment of those with cancer from a particular perspective or in a particular context (as above). The second objective is to discuss the state of current knowledge and how that might be usefully translated into policy and practice. The third objective is to identify existing knowledge, policy and practice gaps and start to build an overall Forward Agenda for the area.

FURTHER INFORMATION will be made available through this website.

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