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Event Report – BTEC Practitioner Group Online Meeting

Linking London held the first BTEC Practitioner Group online meeting of the academic year 2023/24 on the 2 November.

London skyline

After a warm welcome from Andrew Jones, Director at Linking London, delegates heard first from Ria Bhatta, Head of Stakeholder Engagement at Pearson who gave the group an update on the latest BTEC news and developments including an overview of the outcomes of the BTEC summer results, a L3 reform update and Pearson’s new resources. 

Following this we heard from Noni Csogor, Research and Policy Manager at The Sixth Form Colleges Association who gave the group an overview of the Protect Student Choice Campaign including the latest developments and what they’ve been working on, the implications for colleges and next steps. 

We then heard from Dr Jakub Kowalewski, Partnership Officer at Linking London who provided a useful overview of The Advanced British Standard (ABS) including what we know about it so far, the responses to it and what's next. This was followed by Q+A and group discussion focusing on potential impact of changes on schools, colleges, university partners and learners. 

Lastly, a partner round table then followed where attendees can share any news and updates including updates on BTEC offer for 2023-24 & HE partners outreach offer for BTEC learners. Updated included enrolment numbers and projects to help support BTEC learners. 

The next BTEC Practitioner Group Meeting will be in Spring term, 7th March, 2-3:30pm. 


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