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Event report: BTEC Practitioner Group Meeting

On 23 February, Linking London held the second BTEC Practitioner Group online meeting of the academic year.

London skyline

After a warm welcome from Andrew Jones, Director at Linking London, delegates heard first from Ria Bhatta, Head of Stakeholder Engagement at Pearson, who gave the group an update on the latest BTEC news and developments including an update on the post-16 Level 3 reform, DfE's L3 qualification landscape from 2025-26 and proposed new qualifications.

We then heard from Noni Csogor, Research and Policy Manager at the Sixth Form Colleges Association, who gave the group an overview of the Protect Student Choice Campaign including the latest developments, the implications for colleges, and next steps.

Lastly the group were then able to ask any questions and discuss how it may impact at their own institution. Discussion included:

  • concern around impact of restricting post-16 choice
  • whether there will be enough work experience opportunities for T Level learners
  • lack of information around T Levels
  • progression.

The next BTEC Practitioner Group Meeting will be in the Spring term,18 May 2023, 2-4pm.

Presentations, recording and meeting note

View the presentations, recording and meeting note from the day.

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