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Event report: Friday News Round

The last Friday News Round of the academic year was held online on 16 June.

London skyline

After a warm welcome from Andrew Jones, the Director of Linking London, and Jakub Kowalewski, Partnership Officer, we started off with a short quiz on recent events in the education sector.

We then updated attendees on the Linking London resources in the pipeline, e.g. mapping of entry requirements for BTEC, T Levels, and Access candidates, and London LMI report. Our resources are available on the Partner Area. We also outlined the schedule for the T Levels Week.

Following from this, we offered some news headlines, including the use and misuse of generative AI in the education sector, the Freedom of Speech Act, and the future of personal statements.

We then moved on to latest apprenticeships news. We covered policy recommendations which could increase the uptake of apprenticeships among young people and help with social mobility.

Next on the agenda were recent publications on the drop-in attendance in career activities, and on the role of luck in accessing higher education.

In our regular data corner, we covered some key numbers for higher level learners in England, graduate outcomes data, and Access to HE statistics.

Finally, we summarised a study, carried out by the Department for Education, which examined mature students' perception of part-time and modular study.

Feedback from attendees at our News Round events has been really positive:

  • 'Great digest of what is happening in the world of education.' University colleague
  • 'It allowed me to acquire lots of relevant information in a short time.' College colleague
  • 'Very useful overview of all the latest reports and initiatives in HE.' College colleague

The next News Round will take place in the next academic year. Have a great summer break!

Slides and recording

View the slides and the recording from the day.

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