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Event report: Higher and Degree Apprenticeship (HADA) Group meeting

The second Linking London Higher and Degree Apprenticeship (HADA) meeting of 2022-23 was held on 23 March and attracted colleagues from both our partner college and university institutions.

London skyline

After a warm welcome from the Chair Darryll Bravenboer, Director of Apprenticeships and Skills at Middlesex University (London), the meeting began with a presentation from Cleo Kinder, Senior Policy Officer, Skills and Employment at the GLA, who presented to the group giving an overview of GLA apprenticeship data 2021-22, including apprenticeship starts, diversity, sector and subject. Cleo also gave an overview of the LSIP including their progress so far, key takeaways and next steps.

We then heard from Amin Aboushagor, Principal Policy Officer for Skills and Culture from the London Councils, who presented to the group giving an overview of London Councils' work around apprenticeships and the data they collected. Data included apprenticeship starts, progression, around young apprentices, ethnicity and age.

This was followed by a college and university round table update from partners on the latest news on current offer and plans going forward. Discussion included recent challenges and apprenticeship numbers.

Lastly, Pete Milsom, Partnerships Manager for Apprenticeships at UCAS, presented to the group giving an update on apprenticeship developments at UCAS and what they are doing to raise the profile of apprenticeships including their IAG offer, useful guides and the apprenticeship search tool. Pete also highlighted a few developments UCAS are working on over the next few years.

With time running out, Darryll Bravenboer will present his item around the latest developments on Middlesex University's work with Health Education England and the Open University at the next HADA meeting.

The next HADA meeting will take place on Thursday 22 June, 2-4pm.

Presentations, recording and meeting note

View the presentations, recording and meeting note from the day.

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