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Event report: IAG Practitioner Group meeting

The first IAG Practitioner Group meeting of this academic year took place on 22 September in person, and was well attended by college and HEI partner representatives.

London skyline

The meeting began with a presentation by Lynsey Hopkins, Operations Transition Lead at UCAS, who presented on recent UCAS developments and updates, including the recent UCAS data, survey key findings, looking ahead to 2023-2025.

Following this, Rebecca Mameli, Head of Higher Education and Research at Pearson, presented to the group giving an overview of Higher Technical Qualifications including what they are, opportunities and challenges, the HTQ cycles and HE policy developments.

After a short comfort break, the group split into three groups and discussed how university and college partners can work together to improve the IAG/outreach offer for college learners and feedback. A full write-up of the discussion can be found on our partner area.

Lastly, Ben Rutter, Funding Information Partners Account Manager at the Student Loans Company, presented on the latest HE finance news, including SFE key messages, payments and fraud. Ben also highlighted some useful SF resources such as a common questions resource, payment guidance page and fraud guidance.

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 19 January 2023, 2-4pm.

Presentations and meeting note

View the presentations and meeting note from the day.

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