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Event report - Linking London HE in FE Practitioner Group Meeting

The first HE in FE Practitioner Group Meeting of the academic year chaired by Andrew Gower, Principal & Chief Executive at Morley College London, was held on the 12 October 2023.

London skyline

After a warm welcome and opening remarks from Andrew Gower, the meeting began with a presentation from Karen Taylor, Membership Manager at Advance HE who presented to the group firstly giving an overview of the CBHE network within the Advance HE membership and the research toolkit they created. Karen also spoke on the fellowship and its benefits. 

Following this Andrew Jones, Director at Linking London provided a useful overview of the DfE and Amazing Apprenticeship’s new HTQ guide. A partner round table update then followed where our partners gave any updates on HE in FE provision and related issues. 

After a comfort break, Dr Jakub Kowalewski, Partnership Officer at Linking London provided an overview of the key findings of Linking London’s mapping of level 6 & 7 top up provision available across London HEIs. Following this Jakub also gave the group an update on the distinctiveness of College HE research project. We will give an update on the initial analysis at the next meeting 

Lastly, Dr Mark Dunford, Head of Academic Quality and Enhancement at Morley College London gave an update on the ‘Theory of Change’ in college HE where a group has been set up taking forward the notion of the theory of change with a particular view of looking at learning gained through HE in FE. 

The date of the next HE in FE meeting will be in the Spring term, 22nd February 2024, 2-4pm. This meeting will be in-person at Morley College London. 


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