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Event report: T Level Practitioner Group Meeting

On 4 May, Linking London held the third and last T Level Practitioner Group of the academic year, which was well represented with FE and HE partners present.

London skyline

After a warm welcome from the chair Sultan Soukani, Assistant Principal at HRUC, delegates heard first from Suzanne Hall, Head of Sector Development: Technical and Professional, who presented to the group giving an update on T Levels including recent developments, DfE roll-out timeline changes, policy updates and lastly updates around DfE's level 2 reform. This was followed by group discussion on level 2 progression and the potential impact of level 2 qualification reform. Discussion included how successful transition is at the moment, and what learners and need from the reforms.

We then heard from Katrina Cotton, Area Relationship and Development Lead ‑ London from the Education and Training Foundation, who presented to the group on assessment in T Levels including who delivers assessment CPD support, lessons learnt, ETF T Level training, a case study and lastly the training and resources to upskill staff.

After a short break, a college and university partner update then followed where college partners shared information on delivering (and planning to deliver) T Levels, including the challenges and positives and the new T Levels that they will be rolling out. Linking London also gave an update on the upcoming T Levels Week which will be held on 19-22 June.

Lastly, we heard from Catherine Sezen, Interim Director of Education Policy at the Association of Colleges, who presented on opportunities and challenges from the perspectives on T Level development, firstly giving an overview of the qualification landscape, highlighting success stories, the opportunities and challenges.

The next T Level Practitioner Group Meeting will be in October, date and time TBC.

Presentations, recording and meeting note

View the presentations, recording and meeting note from the day.

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