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Film and Visual Media Seminars for research students

Our Film and Visual Media PhD seminars this term will take place on Thursdays: 27th January, 24th February and 3rd March, 6pm-7:30pm in G13 (Vasari Room) at 43 Gordon Sq.

  • 27th January 2011
    Donatella Valente (PhD candidate, History of Art and Screen Media), "Experiencing Film Povero: form as resistance in the Italian Independent Film Co-operative "
  • 24th February 2011
    Tiago Baptista (PhD candidate, History of Art and Screen Media), "Is YouTube the new cinema of attractions?"
  • 3rd March 2011
    Dr Katerina Loukopoulou (The Henry Moore Fellow, History of Art, UCL), "Sculptural Film and the Creative Process: The Case of Henry Moore (John Read, BBC, 1951)"

In preparation for the seminar on 27th January you are asked to read the "Form as Social Commitment" ("Del modo di formare come impegno sulla realta' ") in Umberto Eco's The Open Work (originally published in Italy in 1962 and translated into English in 1989).  In her paper Donatella Valente will also refer to John Dewey's Art as Experience (1934) which was translated into Italian in 1951 and popularised by Eco in his book.

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