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Implementing culture change within the NHS: Contributions from Occupational Psychology

CSWL contributes to the Division of Occupational Psychology report on implementing culture change within the NHS.

The British Psychological Society's Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) has released a new report detailing practical steps to implement culture change within the NHS.

Kevin Teoh, from Birkbeck's Centre for Sustainable Working Life, was part of the editorial team on the report entitled "Implementing culture change within the NHS: Contributions from Occupational Psychology."

Each chapter was written by leading Occupational Psychologists, and draws on occupational psychology theory and evidence around recruitment, staff wellbeing, leadership and culture change within the health service.

Kevin, who also co-authored the chapter on Trust boards and governance, said: "The Francis Report and Berwick Review have both identified openness, transparency and patient-centredness as integral parts that should be part of cultures of the NHS. The challenge however is in how these can be implemented, this is definitely not an easy process but this report provides an insight into how occupational psychology can be part of this process."

A copy of the report can be downloaded for free from the BPS Shop website.

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