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Internship opportunity for PhD student

We're looking for an intern to help manage our Peltz Gallery over the next term.

Birkbeck’s Peltz Gallery, hosted at the School of Arts, is a flexible exhibition space for digital and material displays, small-scale performances, lectures and meetings. The space allows a constellation of research and creative activities to happen at the heart of the building.  Over the two years since it was opened, the Peltz has hosted a wide range of exhibitions based on the research interests and public engagement activities of academics and other staff at Birkbeck. Over the coming year, the range of exhibitions, and associated public events, is due to expand with plans for an artist-in-residence scheme. This provides a valuable opportunity for Birkbeck PhD students to gain valuable experience in curating and event management processes.

We are delighted to offer PhD students at Birkbeck the opportunity to develop their experience of working in a gallery.  We wish to appoint one intern per academic term during this academic year to work closely with the Peltz Director Annie Coombes, Dr Wendy Earle (Impact development officer), Peltz committee members as appropriate, and the Gallery Administrator and Media Technician. In particular, the interns would be involved in:

  • Supporting the curation and organisation of exhibitions at the Peltz
  • The organisation, promotion and hosting of academic and cultural events, symposia, workshops, screenings and master classes, including the artist-in-residence scheme.
  • To coordinate documentation and recording of events, audience surveys and follow up, social media practices and development, to participate in and contribute to Peltz Committee meetings and liaise across the Schools and College on behalf of the Gallery.

We need to recruit an intern for next term. The position involves a total 40 hours work paid at £15.55/hr.

The essential components of this role are:

  • Event co-ordination and promotion to target audiences (using online resources and social media)
  • Help with promotion, installation and deinstalling exhibitions in the Peltz
  • Manage design and print of event publications
  • Promotion of exhibition through social and other media
  • Monitor numbers and feedback
  • Draft evaluation report

Please note that the job requires hands on assistance and willingness to troubleshoot

Knowledge and experience required:

We are looking for a Birkbeck MPhil/ PhD student with some experience of

  • working in a gallery and curating exhibitions – including installation and de-installation
  • liaising between individuals in different organisations and within different departments
  • scheduling and managing schedules

Interested individuals should send an expression of interest together with CV to by 6pm, Monday December 21.

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