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Kate Retford discusses the perils of painting royals

Kate Retford, Senior lecturer in Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth-Century Art, talks to the National Gallery about the perils of painting royals.

Kate Retford, Senior lecturer in Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth-Century Art, talks to the National Gallery about the perils of painting royals.

In the National Gallery monthly podcast, Kate Retford looks at the portrait of Queen Charlotte, the wife of George III painted by Thomas Lawrence in 1789. Kate describes the unusual informality of the queen’s dress and the sensitive portrayal of her face. Unfortunately the royal family found his portrait a little too honest and informal and refused to pay for the finished work.

You can listen to the whole podcast here and while we recommend going to the National Gallery to see the portrait itself, you can also view Lawrence’s portrait of Queen Charlotte here.

Kate teaches on the BA History of Art and the MA History of Art.

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