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Lisa Baraitser’s activities during 2010/11

Lisa Baraitser’s activities during 2010/11


2011 Invited talk: The Future of Testimony: Medicine and Testimony Symposium, ESRC Seminar Series. University of Sheffield.

2011 Public talks on maternal aesthetics at The Whitworth Gallery, Manchester, and Whitechapel Gallery, London with Dr. Imogen Tyler, organized by The BirthRites Collection.

2011 Host of a radio discussion on resonance fm, on Service, Servitude and the Delegation of Care.

2011 Invited radio discussion on ‘Mothers, Power, Love’: resonance fm with 'Enemies of Good Art' on International Women's Day, March 8th.

2011 Time, Relationality and the Public Sphere. Invited talk at the Department of Sociology, University of Lancaster

2010 Time, Relationality and the Public Sphere. Invited talk at the Feminist Reading Seminar, Open University

2010 Maternal Encounters: a one-day intensive seminar on my monograph, Maternal Encounters: The Ethics of Interruption, organized by The(e)ories: Critical Theory & Sexuality Studies, University College, Dublin.

2010 Invited respondent at Feeding Motherhood, part of the Motherhood, Markets and Consumption ESRC Seminar Series, Royal Holloway.

2010 Maternal Publics. Conference paper, Beyond Citizenship: Feminism and the transformation of Belonging. Birkbeck/FEMCIT.

2010 Complex Lives. Invited Talk at the ‘Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Now Conference: meeting the challenge of complexity together’. British Psychoanalytic Council.

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