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London Renaissance Seminar Small Prize Bursary/Internship

The London Renaissance Seminar is offering a small prize bursary or internship for postgraduate students.

The London Renaissance Seminar is a long-established forum for discussion of the culture and society of the period 1500-1660. Based at Birkbeck, University of London, the seminar is involved in a range of activities including Saturday seminars, postgraduate conferences, book discussions, and evening lectures. See some recent activities here.

The Seminar is offering a small prize bursary or internship open to the following: MA/MRes/MSt students, PhD/MPhil students and early career academics whose doctorates were awarded not earlier than 2012. The application can be for work based in any humanities discipline but applicants need to be working primarily within the period 1500-1660. Applications should be within the following categories:


Is there a research archive that you need to consult? A digital project using primary sources that you would like to try out?  Send us a proposal telling us about your project or why you want to see the material, and how this work will contribute to your thinking. The Prize Bursary will offer financial assistance towards your visit to the archive/to developing the project. The Prize Bursary will fund travel up to £200 to spend time in an archive.


Is there an event (e.g. a half-day symposium; a workshop; a guest lecture) that you would like to run with the LRS? Bearing in mind that the budget (to cover speaker fares, refreshments, etc.) is up to £200 send us a description of the planned event including topic, format, and possible speakers, and explaining the importance of the topic. The internship is open to single or co-authored applications.

The successful applicant in either category may be offered an internship with the London Renaissance Seminar 2014-15.

Winners will be expected to write a short report for the LRS website.

The prize will be up to £200 only.

Candidates may be interviewed by Skype or in person if they are in London.

Applications should consist of:

1. Statement/letter of application outlining the project including aims, rationale, and potential interest to other scholars. Up to 350 words.

2. Short CV (not more than 1 side) and name and contact details of one academic referee.

These should be sent to Dr Lucy Munro (, Dr Daniel Smith (, and Susan Wiseman ( by Friday 26 September.

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