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Margaret Hodge MP in conversation with Tony Wright

11 November 2013, 18:30-20:00, Birkbeck.

Margaret Hodge MP in conversation with Tony Wright

11 November 2013, 18:30-20:00, Birkbeck.

Tony Wright is a Professorial Fellow in the Department of Politics at Birkbeck, a former Member of Parliament for Cannock Chase, and a former Chair of the Public Administration select committee. He is a Visiting Professor of Government and Public Policy at UCL and co-editor of the Political Quarterly.

The Rt. Hon. Margaret Hodge MP is the Member of Parliament for Barking and Chair of the Public Accounts Committee. Entering Parliament in 1994, she has held ministerial positions in the Blair and Brown Governments and has chaired the Public Accounts Committee since 2010.

Tony Wright, who chaired the Reform of the House of Commons Committee (publishing the report ‘Rebuilding the House’ in 2009), will lead a discussion covering, among other things, the evolving role of select committees in Parliament, and their task of scrutinising Government.

This event is being organised by the Centre for the Study of British Politics and Public Life in the Department of Politics at Birkbeck.

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