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Matilda Egere Cooper on Radio 4's Today programme

Matilda Egere Cooper, Lecturer in Journalism and award-winning music and lifestyle journalist, was interviewed on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme recently.

Matilda Egere Cooper, Lecturer in Journalism and award-winning music and lifestyle journalist, was interviewed on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme recently.

Matilda joined a discussion on how British singers adopt American accents. She told the Today programme: "When people are learning how to sing, I don't know if they're consciously saying 'I want to sing like an American'. Sometimes it comes down to what's easier to sing or how to sound in a particular way."

"With the American accent, we do have a tendency to pronounce our words quite obviously. So when it comes to singing I think people just tend to sing in a way whereby they're clearly understood."

You can find out more and hear extracts from the Today Programme on the BBC website.

Matilda teaches on the BA Journalism and Media.

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