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New funded PhD studentship opportunity

Closing date: 9am Monday 25 June 2012

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship which has been funded by the Higher Education Academy on ‘The Impact of retention strategies on part-time mature students in higher education’.

Retention of students, particularly part-time undergraduate students, is a serious problem for the UK HE sector, with only around 40% of part-time students completing their first degree course within seven academic years.  Despite a range of good practices on retention, there is little evaluation of the impact of retention practices and strategies.   Knowledge is sparse about the impact of retention strategies on all students, but in particular on mature students studying part-time. Our comprehension of the synergies between strategic approaches to retention, learning careers and learner persistence is equally limited.  This Higher Education Academy-funded research aims to develop and enhance theoretical understandings and practical and policy implications of the impact of retention strategies on part-time mature undergraduate students in higher education. 

The successful candidate will join the vibrant research community within the Department of Psychosocial Studies and have access to the training and other opportunities offered through the Birkbeck Graduate School and through Birkbeck’s research centres.  The successful candidate will be supervised by Professor Sue Jackson and Professor Claire Callender.


Closing date: 9am Monday 25 June 2012

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