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New OSH Wiki Articles

CSWL contribute new articles on psychosocial risks towards the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work's OSH Wiki project.

The Centre for Sustainable Working Life has contributed two new articles on psychosocial risks towards the on-going OSH Wiki project by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

This “OSHwiki” site hosts articles that seek to provide the readers with an informed summary of the current evidence-base and state of knowledge in the field of occupational health and safety. In addition, the aim of the articles are to outline and highlight good practice in the respective topic area: set within the European policy context.

The first article, "Introduction to Migrant Workers", by Kevin Teoh and Juliet Hassard, reviews the definition and statistics of migrant workers in the European Union. It also discusses some of the key work-related health risks faced by this working group, namely: precarious employment; harassment and discrimination; psychosocial working conditions; and, dangerous substances and work practices.

The second article by Magdalena Marczak and Juliet Hassard examines the psychosocial issues faced by rail workers and how to manage these. In particular, lone working, shift work, violence and changes to the job content are salient issues for those working in the rail sector.

In addition to these two articles, the CSWL was commissioned to update twelve further OSH Wiki articles to reflect more contemporary developments in this field.

For more information on the OSH Wiki project, please click here, or email Dr Juliet Hassard.

A full list of all past articles written by the CSWL is available here.

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