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'Older Women', Policy and Politics - Panel Discussion and Debate with Fiona Mactaggart MP

Monday 4th November 2013

The Centre for the Study of British Politics and Public Life at the Department of Politics, Birkbeck, invites you to:

Date: Monday 4th November 2013

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Location: Room B04, 43 Gordon Square (maps here)

Free entry; first come, first seated

Debate about age discrimination has been largely silent about gender difference, and older women are, in contrast to older men, often invisible, absent from the media, from public discourse and from policy initiatives.  Yet they are the majority of older age groups in the UK. Moreover, there are important differences among women over 65, differences that are evident in social, economic and political status, attitudes and behaviour.  Thus policy makers have started paying attention to these groups. And that raises a number of questions. How do older women and men differ? What are the differences among women? What, if anything, should government do about and for them? Why?

Fiona Mactaggart MP, is a member of The Labour Party's Commission on Older Women. Together with Dr Rosie Campbell, Professor Joni lovenduski and Jackie Ashley of The Guardian, she will lead a public discussion of these issues.

Also sponsored by the Birkbeck Institute for Social Research.

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