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Professor Cox Presents Eusebio Rial-González Eulogy at EUOSHA Summit

During the recent EUOSHA Healthy Workplace Campaign Summit in Bilbao, the Summit honoured the memory of Dr Eusebio Rial-González. Seb was a friend of Centre, and Professor Tom Cox had the privilege of delivering Seb’s eulogy during the Summit.

During the recent EUOSHA Healthy Workplace Campaign Summit in Bilbao, the Summit honoured the memory of Dr Eusebio Rial-González. Seb was a friend of Centre, and Professor Tom Cox had the honour of delivering Seb’s eulogy during the Summit.

Dr Rial-González was Head of the Prevention and Research Unit at the European Agency for Safety and Health at work. In recognition of Seb’s contributions to field, the European Academy for Occupational Health Psychology and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work have launched the ‘Eusebio Rial-González Innovation & Practice Award in OHP’ for the next EAOHP Conference in Athens, 11-13 April 2016.

This biennial Award is open to any OHP researcher or practitioner who feels their work has made a considerable contribution to the field of occupational health psychology. More details can be found on this link.

A video from the Summit with the eulogy delivered by Professor Cox, a video in honour of Seb, and at the announcement of the Award, is available here.

An obituary to Seb is published in the recent EAOHP Newsletter.

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