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Professor Sasha Roseneil - upcoming external events

Professor of Sociology and Social Theory Department of Psychosocial Studies & Director, Birkbeck Institute for Social Research

Professor Sasha Roseneil
Professor of Sociology and Social Theory
Department of Psychosocial Studies &
Director, Birkbeck Institute for Social Research


 (19-20 October 2012)

  • Professor Sasha Roseneil is speaking on a panel on “The Psychosocial Effects of Neoliberalism” at the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society Conference at Rutgers University (19-20 October 2012).

 (25 October 2012), (12-13 November 2012)

  • Professor Sasha Roseneil is giving a paper entitled “The Vicissitudes of Postcolonial Citizenship and Belonging in Late Liberalism” at a seminar on “Belonging Today” at the Institute for Public Knowledge, New York University (25 October 2012), and at the Oecumune Symposium, De-orientalizing Citizenship?, organised by the Open University (12-13 November 2012).

 (1 November 2012)

  • Professor Sasha Roseneil is speaking about her research on Greenham Common at a screening of “Greenham Granny” at the Louder Now! Feminism on Film season at the Star and Shadow Cinema, Newcastle (1 November 2012)

 (17 December 2012)

  • Professor Sasha Roseneil is speaking at Queer Homes, Queer Families: a history and policy debate at the British Library Conference Centre (17 December 2012).

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