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Recent talks and lectures by Professor Claire Callendar

20th March 2013 ‘After the Election: Alternatives in Higher Education Policy’ 21st March 2013 Thomas review of part-time HE. 26th - 27th March 2013 What can higher education contribute to improving social mobility in the UK? 23rd April 2013 Part-time and mature student participation: Is this just a communication challenge?

20th March 2013

‘After the Election: Alternatives in Higher Education Policy’
Organised by the Council for the Defence of British Universities.

4.30pm-5.30pm Panel 3
William Cullerne Bown
Debbie McVitty and Rachel Wenstone
Claire Callender
Chair: Tamson Pietsch

21st March 2013

Thomas review of part-time HE.
A review to develop recommendations on how part-time provision can be developed to meet the needs of students (particularly mature students), meet the needs of the UK’s future skills agenda and contribute towards enhancing social mobility.

26th - 27th March 2013

What can higher education contribute to improving social mobility in the UK?
Professor Claire Callender gave a keynote talk ‘Staying the course for part-time students’ at the two-day residential conference organised by The Higher Education Academy.

23rd April 2013

Part-time and mature student participation: Is this just a communication challenge?
All Party Parliamentary University Group on part-time and mature students held in the House of Commons.

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