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Scott Rodgers speaks in Zurich

Scott Rodgers was invited by the University of Zurich's Priority Research Program (URPP) on Asia and Europe to speak at an interdisciplinary workshop titled Protests, the Media and the Circulation of Norms: Arab Spring and Fukushima.

In late October 2012, Scott Rodgers was invited by the University of Zurich’s Priority Research Program (URPP) on Asia and Europe to speak at an interdisciplinary workshop titled Protests, the Media and the Circulation of Norms: Arab Spring and Fukushima.

In his paper capping off the workshop, Scott suggested that while we should swiftly reject simplistic ideas about ‘Facebook revolutions’ or ‘Twitter revolutions’ it is still important to ask how we might think about why social media might matter in relation to contemporary protest. What is needed, Scott argued, is a phenomenological sense of social networking and other media as circulating ‘forms’. This means getting beyond a focus on such media platforms or devices in isolation, and looking more closely at how we use or encounter them in practice, and the sort of symbolic worlds  we are exposed to through such media.

Scott Rodgers is Programme Director for the BA Journalism and Media and 1st year tutor for the MA/PGCERT/Dip in Journalism.

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