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Slum TV screenings

Slum TV is a community media project based in the Mathare slum in Nairobi, Kenya. Its 20 core members produce, direct and shoot three-minute newsreels and telenovela-style dramas dealing with issues of local concern, which are then projected on an outdoor football pitch.

Screenings of Slum-TV's work take place on Sceaux Gardens estate followed by a discussion in the Clore Studio at the SLG. Join Slum-TV co-founder Sam Hopkins and trustee Biki Kangwana, community media activists, estate residents and socially-engaged artists to explore themes raised by the work.

The debate is introduced by Professor Annie Coombes, Birkbeck, University of London with contributions from artists-in-residence on Sceaux Gardens estate, artist group Febrik, and Chris Haydon of community media group, Southwark TV.

When? Friday 10 December, 7-9pm
South London Gallery & Sceaux Gardens estate

This event is free but booking is recommended on 020 7703 6120 or

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