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Strategic Equality Review - Staff Consultation

The College is currently reviewing its Equality and Diversity Strategy and a Strategic Equality Review Group (SERG) has been formed to explore this.

Dear Colleagues,

The College is currently reviewing its Equality and Diversity Strategy and a Strategic Equality Review Group (SERG) has been formed to explore this.

The overarching objective of the review is to set the strategic direction and priorities for equality and diversity for the College over the next five years. The aim is to ensure that the College embeds its goal of providing an inclusive working and learning environment for all its students and staff so that all may develop to their full potential.

As part of the review process, we are seeking the opinions of staff for ideas and suggestions to consider for the new strategy.

A consultation event will be held at 12noon – 2pm on Thursday 28th July in Room 414, Malet Street. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. The only pre-requisite is that those attending should be willing to comment on issues which are likely to affect College staff in relation to Equality and Diversity over the next five years. Staff are welcome from across all areas of the College’s work and across all staff groups.

If you would like to participate in this event please register at If you have any specific access or dietary requirements please do let me know at the earliest opportunity.

If you are unable to attend this event but have specific suggestions on how the College could progress Equality and Diversity please do feel free to contact me at

With kind regards,


Kevin S. M. Coutinho

HR Strategy and Policy Partner (Engagement and Wellbeing)

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