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Students given opportunity to feedback about courses and celebrate!

On 14 December 2012 the Department of Management held its first end of term student party, which was attended by around 300 students as well as most staff from the department.

Student feedback

The party doubled-up as an opportunity for the Department to seek feedback from students about their courses. During the evening students from each degree programme were gathered into groups and asked for feedback before rejoining the festivities.

Dr Linda Trenberth, Head of the Department of Management, said: “The department continues to look for innovative ways of engaging with all of our students, rather than relying on mechanisms which can represent the views of only a few students while failing to capture broader issues. The party was very positively received by our students and was a fantastic opportunity for students and staff to make connections across degree programmes.”

Students are also asked for feedback annually via the National Student Survey. Last year Birkbeck was voted number one for overall satisfaction and quality of teaching among multi-faculty higher education institutions in London.

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