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Successful premiere of dance duet wins praise for Birkbeck students

Praise for the duet, Meeting Place, choreographed and performed by Martine Painter and Hamish MacPherson.

Martine Painter and Hamish MacPherson, both students on the Birkbeck Performance: Dance programme, found their duet, Meeting Place, greeted with warm praise by reviewers when it was premiered in January.

The pair were inspired by the choreography module of their course, led by celebrated choreographer and dancer Eva Recacha, and went on to create a dance piece that was accepted for the biggest European platform for new choreographers: Resolution! at the world-famous contemporary dance venue, The Place.

“As a pair of performers, MacPherson and Painter have a nice connection and they string together simple units of movement – an arm swing, a raised leg, a vocal yelp – in a manner that manages to keep our attention…” Lyndsey Winship (Time Out Dance Editor)

This blog posting [New Scientist, CultureLab] explains how the algorithm behind the duet influenced the choreography.

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More about the Performance: Dance programme

[Photograph by Marica Melotti - all rights reserved]

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