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Turning knowledge into action: the impact of sustainability education

Christopher Birks, who studied MSc Environment and Sustainability at Birkbeck, shares how studying helped him change careers and make an impact in the ecology and environmental sector.

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Since graduating in 2023, Christopher’s thesis project, ‘Changes in the nutrient flux of a wastewater-impacted reach of river when subjected to combined sewer overflow discharge’ won prestigious awards from the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management award and from the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators. Here, he talks about his journey to Birkbeck, and how his studies helped ignite a passion for academia and helped his career in science.  

Deciding to Pursue Further Education 

I decided to study in order to make a substantial career change. After spending 13 years in the arts, I increasingly wanted to work in environmental science. Most positions in the field require at least an undergraduate qualification in the natural sciences, which I lacked. It became clear that to change my life as I envisioned, I needed to go back to university. 

Finding the perfect course and learning conditions  

Having lived in London for over a decade, Birkbeck was well known to me. Many people I knew had studied there part-time to advance their careers. The part-time, evening delivery of Birkbeck’s courses was crucial for me. As a new father, I needed to be available at home, and I also needed to continue working to support my family. Additionally, the course I selected was structured around three clear professional directions: sustainability, environmental policy, and environmental management, which aligned perfectly with my career goals. 

The inspiring effects of studying 

Returning to study was invigorating. Being challenged academically and having the autonomy to approach tasks my way was refreshing. The modules were fascinating, and the lectures and seminars were genuinely inspiring. My interest in environmental science had grown from a concern for the condition of Britain's rivers, and my studies allowed me to explore this concern directly. I found that not a lot of research had been done on the impact of sewage overflows - a very topical issue - on the levels of nutrients in rivers, and I therefore set about attempting to fill the knowledge gap. My thesis supervisor was very encouraging, inviting me to be bold and ambitious in my research, and consequently I was able to devise a research methodology with the potential to produce significant scientific findings.  

A positive impact on my career  

I am currently working as an Environment Planning Specialist at the Environment Agency. In this role, I balance the water needs of the natural environment with those of the human population. This involves interpreting and applying hydrological, hydrogeological, and ecological data to regulate and influence water users. My education at Birkbeck provided the qualification and knowledge necessary for this position. 

Meeting Expectations and Achieving Goals 

Birkbeck met my expectations by providing a truly robust Master’s program that is respected in the environmental sector. This education enabled me to achieve my goal of working in environmental science. Additionally, studying at Birkbeck rekindled my passion for academic study. My thesis won two external awards, and thanks to Birkbeck, I am now considering pursuing a PhD. In my short time working in the environmental sector, I have seen first hand how research and academic study can be drivers of best practice. Nothing would make me happier than to contribute to this fast-moving field by building a career as a dedicated scientist. 

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