Two Birkbeck academics named in list of UK's top 30 influential thinkers in human resources
Launched 17 years ago, the HR Most Influential ranking celebrates individuals’ contributions to best practice, their efforts to improve the profession, and how they strive to make the working world better for everyone.

HR magazine’s ‘HR Most Influential’ is an annual list that celebrates the most influential players in the field of people strategy, whose ideas and actions are shaping practices in HR, both in the UK and globally.
In this year’s list, Dr Rachel Lewis, Reader in Occupational Psychology, was listed as the third most influential thinker, and Mark Stringer, Head of the Department of Organizational Psychology, was listed as the twelfth.
Dr Rachel Lewis’ work focuses on understanding how those working in inherently stressful and difficult occupations and job roles, continue to do what they do. Together with a colleague, Dr Jo Yarker, Dr Rachel Lewis developed the innovative Professional Doctorate in Occupational Psychology and MRes in Professional Practice in Occupational Psychology, designed to engage practitioners in evidence-based practice and supervise practice-led research across the field.
Dr Rachel Lewis commented: “I feel beyond grateful and honoured to have been achieved this and extend my heartfelt thanks to those who took the time to nominate me. Over 30 years ago I made a commitment to myself that I would try and make a difference to how mental health is viewed and treated. This award feels very significant to me in recognising a platform I have to continue to advocate for, for the removal of stigma around mental health and striving for better working lives for all.”
Mark Stringer cites his consistent aim through teaching, supervision and research is to promote the use of interdisciplinary and critical tools to provide new readings and support those aiming to change organizational issues for the better. Before working in academia, Mark spent over 30 years working within organisations in a number of fields and roles.
Mark Stringer said: “I am grateful to have been included within this list and for the privilege to have met and shared the space with all those highlighted in these awards, including last year's recipient Dr Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya and this year’s recipient Dr Rachel Lewis. I am thankful to my academic and professional service colleagues in both the Department of Organizational Psychology and Birkbeck, University of London who have contributed to my knowledge, skills and attributes.
“I am also thankful to our students in Organizational Psychology whose willingness to listen, to challenge and be challenged whilst delivering such consistently outstanding work. It is a privilege to be a small part of as you develop those lifelong skills of criticality and pluralism.”
Rankings for 2023 were unveiled at London’s Imperial War Museum on Thursday 29 June. First published in 2006, the HR Most Influential list is compiled by HR magazine’s editorial team and research partners Hult International Business School.