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Two research appointments made

We are very pleased to announce two new researcher appointments to the Centre for Sustainable Working Life: Dr Gianina-Iona Postavaru and Dr Magda Marczak.

We are very pleased to announce two new researcher appointments to the Centre for Sustainable Working Life: Dr Gianina-Iona Postavaru and Dr Magda Marczak


UnknownFormerly, a Researcher with the Applied Health Psychology Research Group and the Centre for Abuse & Trauma Studies, Middlesex University, Dr Postavaru holds a double PhD in Psychology & Social Sciences (University of Loughborough & Alexandru Ioan Cruz University, Romania) and a Masters in Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (Alexandru Ioan Cruz University, Romania). She has professional experience in supporting those with cancer in Romania and has ben involved in research on breast cancer survivorship and life disruption in both the UK and Romania. She has published in this and other related areas. Gianina is a member of the Red Cross Romania and of the National Federation of Patients with Chronic Medical Conditions in Romania. She will be working with Professor Tom Cox and his colleagues in the Centre and with Dr Sara MacLennan, Academic Urology Unit, Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen, through The METIS Collaboration. One focus of her work will be the ESRC funded Seminar Series on Cancer & Work Engagement.

05453b4Currently a Lecturer in Clinical Psychology in the Faculty of Health & Life Sciences, Coventry University, Dr Marczak holds a PhD in Applied Psychology and a Masters in Occupational Psychology(Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham) and a Masters in Organisational Psychology & Vocational Guidance (University of Lodz, Poland).  She has varied professional experience in clinical psychology and in health and social care. Her research currently focuses on cyber bullying with a strong interest in the management of health and safety at work. She has published on cyber bullying. Magda is a member of the British Psychological Society and an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Authority. She will be working with Dr Juliet Hassard and her colleagues on our projects funded by the European Agency for Safety & Health at Work and related issues.

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